
Yesterday I got to take part in the MuteMath Listening Party Experience, and let me say I am ready for August 18th. The new album Armistice is a definite move forward for the band. One of the first things I noticed was the songs don’t overflow into each other like on their self titled album. Each track had its own beginning and end, but you could tell it was a piece of a much larger whole. The album itself seems to be telling a story, something I think that is evident in the song titles. A large part about MuteMath I’ve enjoyed is their ability to create and album experience. Rather than put together a live show, they make an album then take that album and turn it into a show. For my first listen the song that really jumped out for me was Clipping, the instrumentation is phenomenal. There are some string parts on the song that might cause your heart to pause. For you old school fans don’t worry they still have the ability to hit the fast forward and make you grab your dance shoes, Darren doesn’t pull any percussive punches. Paul’s vocals on the album beautifully accentuate every song, using a few different vocal effects. Greg does some magical guitar work and from the sound of it I’m hoping Roy busts out the stand up bass on tour. Armistice will be a joy to old fans and bridge to new fans.

Some stuff I’ve messed around with a couple of weeks ago.



I think fans of Tim and Eric will enjoy this video, but the music should be enjoyed by all. The group is The Bird and the Bee, the song is Polite Dance Song.


I went down to Dallas this past weekend to meet my new nephew, Asher. He was born on February 16th, 2008 needless to say it took awhile for uncle AJ to make his way to see him. I feel it was probably for the best, from what my sister told me he was a very cranky person for his first little bit being home. If your wondering he never got to go straight home. When he was born his lungs were a little under developed, so he spent a week or so in an incubator. My sister wasn’t allowed to hold him for that entire time. People weren’t even aloud to audibly or visually stimulate him, because it would up set him and cause his O2 levels to drop. He is doing much better now, they still have to wait awhile before he can venture out into the the social world but he can go through a diaper change with rupturing your ear drum now.

My other nephew, Sawyer, is obsessed with Johnny Cash. My sister has a live DVD and he will put it in grab a guitar and play along(strum wildly, still awesome though) and sing. He was really excited to show me his school and room, but never pulled the look what I can do move. With my sisters impression of Mrs Swan I can only assume it is a matter of time.

Also I got to the Spilmans. I visited them at church on Easter Sunday. They attend Gateway church in Dallas which apparently it is kind of a big deal church. I guess I don’t pay much attention to churches around the US or world for that matter. For some reason all churches seam about the same to me. Sure they “feel” a little different but all in all I say they are the same. You should read Pagan Christianity some time, blow your feakin mind. I should probably listen to the sermon more closely or at least try and retain what was going on. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked how was the sermon was and couldn’t tell you the first thing that it was about. I’m not sure if that is a focus problem on my part or that sermons aren’t engaging. I’m sure a little of both, but i digress. After the service though I made the comment that it looked like the worship team took fashion tips from the Jonas Brothers. Ali looked at me and said that this is were they go to church. At that point I felt somewhat self conscious that I had said it pretty loud, then quickly went back to feeling pretty positive that I had called it, so no harm in telling the facts. All in all it was a good trip minus the rain the whole way back.


Long time since posted, back handed compliment apology Blah Blah Blah. I went to Chicago about a month ago. I really  enjoyed it, but think a trip when the weather is nicer is in order. Public transportation is amazing. If you’ll allow me, I’m going to go all little kid from the country on you. Trains almost made my boyish giggle act up, I kept wanting to turn to the person next to me and ask, “Can you believe we’re on a train and underground?” A large part of me wanted to start a party on the subway, but soon realized I people would react to me like all the other interestingly insane that we encountered. I never thought that a place that could instigate such joy in me would be so silent.

We did a lot of shopping. I obviously don’t venture outside the Wal-Mart, Target, TJ Max world because everything was pretty pricey for me. There was no part of me that could justify over 100 dollars for a pair of jeans. We went to the Art Institute of Chicago. The most impressive exhibit was the miniatures, there is something about the tedious nature of them that I am drawn to. Overall I loved roaming the streets or just sitting and watching people walk by.

For those that have met me I love food, so it is fair to say we ate a lot of places. The most interesting place we ate was Moody’s Pub. When we walked in it felt as though we had been transported to 18th century. The room was incredibly dark with the majority of the light cast from the fire place on the side wall and various candles scattered through the room. The food mind you wasn’t incredible but I have had far worse. Beer there was surprisingly cheep as was the food. And what is a Chicago trip without and authentic Chicago pie? Giordano’s was the winner in our quest. As far as quality of pizza it wasn’t the greatest pizza I’ve ever had but it was up there. I think pizza is something that is pretty hard to screw up the key is the people you eat it with, which they were quality.

Other than a few dubious homeless people praying on we naive tourists and others who just plain frightened me, the people I encountered were extremely friendly. I will call this trip an official success, and hope to have a repeat some day. As for now I hope this finds you well.



           Went to my first show of 2009 this past Sunday at the village in Little Rock. Foxy Shazam brought the thunder, musically they were solid. Dr Manhattan I hadn’t heard of, but they stole the show. They were inventive, awkward and hilarious. If your looking for a feel good show catch the rest of this tour, but bring some entertainment for the AKA’s, they were awful. They were your quintessential crappy punk band. blah blah blah things we don’t like blah blah blah, make the crowd know we don’t care, say something edgy about burning down a f*&$#@ church, blah blah blah teenage angst (did I mention they looked forty) blah blah blah, comment about screwing your mom tonight, blah blah blah crappy music, fin. There I saved from actually having to hear their show. Foxy and the Doc are totally worth it though. I’ld tell you more but I feel like a lot of it is in the surprise, so go, go now before they have already moved through your city.


         I’ve always liked Mae. I can’t say I really liked their last album Singularity, but I think it lacked the concept that The Everglow had. Nevertheless, Mae makes a glorious return with a profitless year long project. Go to whatismae.com and check it out. They will release 1 song a month for 12 months and all you have to do to get them is donate at least 1$ per song to the charity that song is for. Wether you like the music or not you’ve got to appreciate the idea, Giving freely or yourself.
